
2015 is almost here! O already here, depending on when you read this.

It seems like only yesterday I got extremely excited about the last night of the year. 7-year-old me dressed up in the shiniest gown, allowed to wear lip-gloss like the big girls, and my mother changing all the clocks so that we could be in bed by 10, but still celebrate with “champagne” – the sugary raspberry kind – and kisses and good wishes for everyone.

It also seems like only yesterday I set unrealistic after unlikely self-improvement goals for the New Year. You know what I’m talking about… that long, LONG list of unfulfilled resolutions! “I will exercise every week-day” (yeah, right!), “I’ll fit into the jeans, those from 7th grade” (you’re not 13 anymore, and that’s okay), “I won’t eat junk food” (you enjoy it, why not?), “I’ll work SO hard on ALL my school assignments, even the optional ones”, “I’m going to learn how to speak Italian” (or Mandarin, or Japanese… I’ve been through a few)… the list goes on and on, and on… and I’ve had it with not making it!

As I did not want yet another year of feeling guilty when I skip the gym or procrastinate, I’ve made a list of Realistic New Year’s resolutions, from me to me – thank you, me! – and to all you guys. The kind of list that promises self-improvement and a better you, just not all at once, not all just yet, and none that take too much time or effort – ‘cause ain’t nobody got time for that!

And here it is! My list of Realistic New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Get in shape. Not Gerard-Butler-in-300 shape, but more of a I-can-take-the-stairs-without-losing-my-breath type of deal.
  • Reduce junk food (homemade burgers and meals without greens do count as junk, and you know it!) to about once a week.
  • Go for a walk on less-busy days… aka get out of the house a little; fresh air is good for ya!
  • Stop spending money on low-quality crap that you’ll have to replace soon anyways. Save up, get the good stuff and thank me later! And yes, paperback editions of books count!
  • Do one thing at a time, and finish what you start. Now, this may seem like a common-sense type of deal, but… as a girl who wants to do everything, and wants it done right this instant, it’s a big deal, and I need to reduce mah stress!
  • To. The. Dentist. Again, common sense… “But there’s just so many, much prettier things you could spend your money on”. Shut up, brain! Yes, there are, but none of them will look or feel as pretty if you run around with toothache and a smile that scares children!
  • Sleep enough, but not too much. Losing days because “the bed is just oh-so-cosy” and “do I really need to do that now?” is no longer an acceptable excuse!

There you have it! I feel like I can accomplish most of these, and feel confident in my Resolutions. Yet if all else fails, I can just focus on the goal we all should have, which is to write 2015 instead of 2014! You can of course decide to copy this list, get inspired by it, or simply frown upon me because you find it silly! No matter what, I wish you all a great 2014!!

I am off to get prematurely excited about the last night of the year, 21-year-old me dressed in my shiniest gown, wearing lip-gloss like the big girls… only this time I will celebrate at midnight, with real bubbles!

