That time with the scandalous nipples


Art by yours truly (:

You’ve heard of it, seen it and thought of it. It has its own webpage, twitter account, and many, many followers worldwide, including big names like Cara Delevigne, Rihanna and Miley Cyrus. What am I talking about? The free the nipple movement.

The movement has caused extreme controversy worldwide, and there are split opinions, which is understandable. But… to be fair, we already live in a hyper-sexualized world, in which we get served cleavage for breakfast, booty for lunch and sensual lip-biting for dinner… So how come all of this is okay, just as long as you don’t show nipple?

There are millions of sculptures, paintings, pictures, and even words dedicated to the naked female figure in general and to the nipple in particular, and nobody seems to think that looking at Venus de Milo or at The Birth of Venus is something particularly shocking. Then… why is the picture of a shirtless, braless woman next to a shirtless – also braless – man such a provocative sight? Why do his nipples get to see the light of day, but hers have to be buried away?

To be honest, I have no idea. Of course, I understand that women’s breasts are the only mammal’s breasts to be permanently swollen – partially for reproductive reasons; If you want ALL the reasons, check out Marvin Harris’ Our Kind. I understand that voluptuous breasts are attractive – I mean, who doesn’t love boobs? –, but I also do not think it’s fair that society decides where I can or cannot show my nipples, especially when men all around the globe get to show theirs off.

I’m not saying one should walk into the office poking people’s eyes out, stiff nips in sight. I understand the concept of dress-code, and I understand that not every outfit is appropriate for everywhere. Same goes for shirt-less-ness. I’m just a firm believer in equal opportunity, and feel that whenever a man’s nipples are allowed, so should a woman’s.

That said, I will go pack out my bikini, top included. Because even though I vote for equality of choice, and believe female nipples are no more scandalous than men’s, I also reserve myself the option of hiding mine until my shyness allows otherwise.



That time everything is happening


A few weeks ago, I wrote about stress. About how the world can seem too big, too threatening, and how it’s okay to feel that way.

Even though I’ve turned in my final thesis, I am not feeling particularly relieved just yet. May and June are packed with internship, work and exams, and my summer vacation has been reduced to finding activities in my hometown – not that I’m complaining, but this girl grew up in the South and needs her some vitamin D!.

After the 26th of June I’m an almost free woman – homegirl still gotta work for a living. I’ll be able to enjoy two months of summer job, summer parties and summer weather, getting ready to start it all again in September. What I will be starting in September? Well… I got into the Journalism Master’s Programme! Getting one step closer to my dream of writing for a living, one overestimated college education at a time! Yay!

 So while I practice and prepare for years of writing, all you wonderful people can get ready to read all of my practicing!

I guess what I’m trying to say is: sorry I’ve been absent, but get ready for some content! 🙂

